What Is A Double Carport?

It is apparent that the moment you decide to purchase a vehicle, you are also certain where to park it for safekeeping. The good news is, there are a lot of available choices when it comes to shelter for vehicles. The challenge, though, is which choice is the best that it gets your money’s worth and provides flexibility if there are changes needed to make. If these are the concerns, one of the recommended safe solutions is to build a double carport.   

Double Carport is for…

A double carport is a structure built to shelter two cars. It is commonly wall-less but has a roof and posts to protect vehicles against falling debris, UV light, rain, and other elements. It’s either attached to a house or erected independently. And it can also be made of materials like wood, polyethylene, or metal. 

If you are skilled to do it on your own, there are available carport kits that you can buy from leading suppliers or manufacturers. But if not, you can always tap a reputable carport builder to build it for you. 

And though two-fold carport has an obvious purpose, it is also recommended because of the following reasons:

  • It’s the safer choice among single and triple carports. Granting you have only one vehicle now. Would you not plan to buy another one in the future? If you only intend to stick to only one, does its size and bulk fit enough for a single carport? 

Another concern with a single carport is that it can be a hazard. It is if the driver is not skilled in parking, which in effect, can cause problems such as scratches in the vehicle’s doors or roof. Meanwhile, a triple carport is quite expensive and too spacious if you don’t have two or three vehicles at the moment. Furthermore, it may be too big that it ends up not giving the right protection for your small-size vehicles against heat or rain.

  • It serves more functions. A carport is also utilized as a play, storage, work, or reception area in some cases. With the measure of a double carport, you’ll have leeway to use it for some other functions.

An ideal double carport should…

  • Have the right size. There is a recommended size for a double carport like 6m x 6m (20’ x 20’) or at least 18 to 24 wide and 21-31 feet long. However, the right size should be the dimension of your vehicles—each width, height, and length. Also, add the extra room you need to make it easier for you to park or steer your transportation machine.
  • Have a strong build. A carport can be flexible since it is easy to assemble or disassemble. But whether you intend to use it temporarily or permanently, it should be durable to protect your vehicle(s). This is where the preference of materials and a carport builder also comes in. The materials and expertise of a builder are strong factors that can dictate the lifespan and quality of protection of your double carport.
  •  Have a pleasing look. Especially if your double carport is the attached type, its look affects the overall vibe of your house. Thus, it’s great if you make it appear pleasing from the design to maintenance. If it has the aesthetic factor, it may also add marketing value to your home just in case you decide to sell it.

Need a double carport? Talk to us at Lion Carports!

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