How Level Does The Ground Need To Be For A Carport?

People may not realize it often, but leveling the ground for building a carport makes it safe. It is the secret why a structure stands straight and its load equally distributed on the ground. For a concerned owner-builder, you may not personally do the flattening work, but at least you have ideas on how and why to do it. Do you?

The level ground and the carport 

It’s a rare chance, but there are carport owners who don’t mind whether they have standard leveled ground. You should not follow them if you want to prevent stress that you don’t need to encounter. To begin with, companies and local authorities require owner-builders to level their ground before erecting a carport. It’s a step to prepare the ground for the installation process. If one doesn’t follow this, then he or she has to face the possibility of delay, paying the extra cost, or cancelation of the transaction. If it’s against the law, the owner has to pay a penalty.  

Apart from preventing woes in construction, a leveled ground makes a carport—or any structure—unstable. It happens because the structure tends to lean on a low slope. Practically, an unstable carport is an unsafe structure. In this case, it is not only unsafe for all vehicles. It is also a hazard to users and structure beside your carport. 

The level ground for your carport 

The level that the ground needs for a carport depend on how uneven the terrain is. To trace what exactly it needs, you can do the following:

Check the code(s). Some local building codes have detailed recommendations in terms of ground preparation for the carport. So, visit and ask for advice from a building department officer. Knowing the requirements of authority can guide you on the leveled ground you have to achieve. However, don’t be surprised also if most local codes are not specific. Therefore, you may need more tips apart from what you get from a building department officer.

Get an expert’s advice. A friendly carport manufacturer, contractor, or builder is a go-to person for this. More or less, they have logical ideas about leveling the ground for a carport. They can give tips on what to do or who to call for help. Perhaps the company, itself, offers this service for you for an extra cost. 

Do the measuring. Getting information from authorities is enough, but it is also fine to estimate it yourself. Let’s say you have already chosen a location for your carport. Here are simple tips on how to know if your ground is level:  

  • Prepare four ground stakes, a measuring tape, string, and a line level. 
  • Using measuring tape, find the four exact corners for the carport you will build. 
  • Put a ground stake on each corner  
  • String two ground stakes on the left side, and the other two on the right side  
  • On the left side, place the line level in the center of the string between two ground stakes. Check the line level to see where the string spot to adjust.
  • If the string spot on each ground stake is at an accurate point, measure the distance from the ground to the string spot. Do this on the left side’s upper and low parts. 
  • Repeat the entire measuring process on the right side. 

Talk to us at Lion Carports to discuss your metal carport needs.

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