How Do You Anchor A Carport?

Behind any statuesque building is a superb framework. If the frames are sturdy so is the entire building. But what makes a frame stout, especially against the pressure of strong wind? For a carport, at least, the answer is a strong anchoring system.

Anchoring the carport on a surface is fundamental to its installation process. Even if the builder uses the finest materials, but if the installation is defective, the carport is most likely to end up burdensome. So you must be sure that the anchoring of your carport is secured. 

Here are the steps that can give you ideas on how to anchor a carport:

Prepare for the anchoring

Before you even flex your muscles and pocket in a big way, it’s good to examine first the factors that affect your anchoring. 

  • Analyze the weather condition. If your place often experiences very windy weather, then it’s necessary to deeper your anchor into the ground. This nail down the capacity of your carport to withstand pressures.    
  • Check the ground. Perhaps you’ll stand your carport on top of the concrete slab, asphalt, or gravel surface. Whatever type of surface you have, it is the basis of what materials and tools to use. 

 Check what’s underneath the ground. Don’t make the mistake of digging in the ground where utility pipes are hidden.  

  • Level the ground. All types of carports are best to mount on the leveled ground. 
  • Consult an authority. They have the data and required standards on how to properly and safely anchor a carport.  

Do the anchoring

Anchoring is usually the step after your measure, align, and connect the base rails of your carport. The base rails are the tubes that are lined horizontally on the ground surface and where the legs/ posts of the carport are inserted.  Assuming that you already do it, here are the steps to anchor your carport: 

    • Dig holes in the right spots. The basis of where to dig holes are the base rails. So, align the base trails and have accurate measurements of where to put them on the ground. From there, mark the places where you will dig anchor holes. After the markings, put aside the base rails. 
  •  Dig each designated anchor hole. Again, the depth of the hole depends on factors like a strong wind, but the standard is 8” in diameter and 18” deep or 12” in diameter and 14” deep. 
  • Insert the rebar ground anchors.  Assemble again the base rails on their proper positions—this time, above the holes. While doing this, it’s good to double-check the width and lengths of base rails and frames to ensure that the carport’s structure is in perfect shape. After these, start inserting a re-bar ground anchor at each anchor hole. 
  • Cement your anchoring. To finish the anchoring, pour the concrete on each hole and let it cure overnight. 

Anchor a carport on the concrete slab 

Most carport kits, if not all, have base rails that have pre-drilled holes. Assuming those base rails are already assembled on the leveled concrete slab, here are the tips to anchor your carport to concrete.

  • Position your base rails on the ground
  • Drill holes in the concrete slab, which are in the same position as the holes in your carport’s base rails. To do this, insert the drill bit into base rail anchor holes and then drill the concrete slab. To ensure that a base rail stays in place while you are drilling, step one of your feet on it.
  • Insert one by one the wedge anchor bolt in each hole in the base rails down to the hole in the concrete. 
  • Secure that each wedge anchor fixed the carport in the concrete slab.

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